Future Land Use Map Designation Cut Sheet
Map Color | |
Sample Zoning | C-C, C-G, L-O, M-E, H-E, I-L, and I-H |
Description |
The purpose of this designation is to designate areas where new residential dwellings will not be permitted, as residential uses are not compatible with the planned and/or existing uses in these areas. For example, MU-NR areas are used near the City’s Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility and where there are heavy industrial or other hazardous operations that need to be buffered from residential. Developments are encouraged to be designed similar to the conceptual MU-NR plan depicted. |
Sample Uses |
Sample uses, appropriate in MU-NR areas would include: employment centers, professional offices, flex buildings, warehousing, industry, storage facilities and retail, and other appropriate non-residential uses. |
Design Direction |
Site Pattern
References & Resources
1. City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan
2. Meridian Unified Development Code
3. Meridian Architectural Standards Manual
Notes: See the References & Resources section for additional materials. When determining appropriate zoning of a property, the transition from existing, adjacent zoning designations, as well as future anticipated land use should be considered.
Contact the Planning Division at 33 E Broadway Ave, Suite 102, Meridian ID 83642, or 208.884.5533, or https://meridiancity.org/planning/, or planning@meridiancity.org.
Last Modified: 04/01/20